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A Moment of Gratitude: FOD Receives The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal

August 12, 2022 | By: Jennifer in For Love of the Game

Earlier this week the Field of Dreams Baseball Camp received the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for all of the work that we’ve done to promote baseball in the community over the past decade (and I was lucky enough to be personally awarded as well). The award is designed to recognize the public service of Canadians who have made a ‘valuable contribution’ to ‘enriching the lives of your fellow citizens.’ 

Needless to say that I am incredibly humbled by this honour, and as I stop to reflect I wanted to share a moment of gratitude with all of you…


When I first started Field of Dreams, I had no idea what would happen. This camp has been a culmination of my childhood dreams, where I could teach children to love a game that has given so much to me my entire life. 

Truth be told, I didn’t know if it would work. I didn’t know if my passion and enthusiasm were infectious enough to make others care. I didn’t know if we would have a huge registration, a small registration, or even any turn out at all.

I started Field of Dreams not knowing what was coming next, and am grateful every single day for what’s happened since.

Field of Dreams has grown from one camp to a few camps to now multiple locations that operate through the Summer across the GTA. We survived the COVID-19 pandemic by creating bubble camps that catered to the unique situation and protected health and safety without sacrificing that same love of the game and camp.

Along with our camps, we’ve also been able to offer clinics throughout the year at various locations and skill levels to make sure that kids’ love of baseball does not need to evaporate during the colder months. 

These contributions recognized by this medal are really the hard work of so many people who assist with our camps and clinics, from our coaches and staff, to the families that have supported us season after season. We really have worked hard to offer “creative programs that have thrilled children and parents alike.” 

As many of you know I recently became a mom myself, and Lyle has been a fixture at the baseball diamond since he was barely bigger than a catcher’s mitt. When I look into his eyes and see those small bursts of joy, I realize even more how important those moments of joy are for kids of all ages. 

Today we and the entire Field of Dreams team are committed to making our camps and clinics safe and happy places full of joy in our community. If Lyle or any child in the program rounds the bases with a smile on their face, I’ll know that we are succeeding in our mission.

Thank you to our MP, Melissa Lantsman, for this wonderful award, and thank you to all of you reading this who have contributed to our success year after year. We could not have done this without you.

FOD Receives The Queen's Platinum Jubilee MedalClick to read about it